
Eco global survival game how to make a server
Eco global survival game how to make a server

eco global survival game how to make a server

It's one game I'm going to keep a very close eye-on as it not only looks good, but it feels pretty good to play too.

eco global survival game how to make a server

It's just great to have such an interesting game support Linux so early-on. If I up the graphical settings a bit it will corrupt it somewhat and turn most things black, so it has some Linux OpenGL issues to work out.Įlements like the chat, skills log and so on are also a bit broken, with the lists scrolling outside the user interface.Īll minor issues that will likely get sorted. Tools for example, will display in completely the wrong place on the screen (which is slightly hilarious): It does have a number of issues though, as it is in early development.

eco global survival game how to make a server

The gameplay is also vastly different, since you have skills, a social system and so on. People have compared it to Minecraft, but it's not "blocky" at all. They've gone for a more cartoon-like visual style than realism, which is done really well. The game is really quite good-looking in a simple way. It's so damn refreshing to be greeted by friendly people in an online game! The people on it welcomed me and pointed me to the starter guide right away. I jumped right in on the only server that appeared to be compatible and I was genuinely surprised. I am pleased to personally confirm that it does have a Linux version already. I read reports that early Alpha versions are already up to date for Linux, so I picked up a copy to test it out. The good news is that it's already on Linux. The game was funded thanks to Kickstarter, where it bagged $202,760 towards helping development. View cookie preferences.Īccept Cookies & Show Direct LinkI was pointed towards 'Eco - Global Survival Game' thanks to a GOL follower and after looking it up, I decided to check it out a little more closely. YouTube videos require cookies, you must accept their cookies to view.

Eco global survival game how to make a server